The test with one file on this machine was OK, but soon as I put it into real 
use on another machine and tried to do a mount, the mount fails on empty 
directories. It says something about not being able to resolve a full path, 
but there's nothing special about the directory /var/cache/ecryptfs/100. It's 
not NFS or any such thing, just a normal filesystem directory. This was 
reproduced with first my real key, then here, a testing key.

mount -t ecryptfs -o verbose,key=openssl:keyfile=/tmp/rsa-testing-key.pem
/var/cache/ecryptfs/100 /home/jayjwa/.ecrypt_mp

Method of providing the passphrase:
  1) passwd: Enter on Console
  2) passwd_file: File Containing Passphrase
  3) passwd_fd: File Descriptor for File Containing Passphrase
Selection [passwd]: 1

Select cipher:
  1) aes: blocksize = 16; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 32 (loaded)
  2) blowfish: blocksize = 8; min keysize = 4; max keysize = 56 (loaded)
  3) des3_ede: blocksize = 8; min keysize = 24; max keysize = 24 (loaded)
  4) des: blocksize = 8; min keysize = 8; max keysize = 8 (loaded)

Selection [aes]: 2

Select key bytes:
  1) 16
  2) 32

Selection [16]: 1

Attempting to mount with the following options:

WARNING: Based on the contents of [/root/.ecryptfs/sig-cache.txt],
it looks like you have never mounted with this key
before. This could mean that you have typed your
passphrase wrong.

Would you like to proceed with the mount (yes/no)? yes
Would you like to append sig [f4e702c4ad0755da] to
in order to avoid this warning in the future (yes/no)? yes

Successfully appended new sig to user sig cache file
Error mounting eCryptfs; rc = [-22]; strerr = [Invalid argument]. Check your
system logs; visit <>.

Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: Error initializing key module 
[/usr/lib/ecryptfs/]; rc = [-22] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: Preferring 
[/usr/lib/ecryptfs/] file over built-in module 
for key module with name [passphrase] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: Adding kernel 
cipher with name [des3_ede] to the list 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: min keysize 
match on buf = [min keysize  : 24 ] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: For cipher 
with name [des3_ede], set min_keysize = [24] from str = [24] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: For cipher 
with name [des3_ede], set max_keysize = [24] from str = [24] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: Adding kernel 
cipher with name [des] to the list 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: min keysize 
match on buf = [min keysize  : 8 ] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: For cipher 
with name [des], set min_keysize = [8] from str = [8] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: For cipher 
with name [des], set max_keysize = [8] from str = [8] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: Adding kernel 
cipher with name [sha256] to the list 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: Adding kernel 
cipher with name [sha512] to the list 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: Adding kernel 
cipher with name [sha384] to the list 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: Adding kernel 
cipher with name [aes] to the list 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: min keysize 
match on buf = [min keysize  : 16 ] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: For cipher 
with name [aes], set min_keysize = [16] from str = [16] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: For cipher 
with name [aes], set max_keysize = [32] from str = [32] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: min keysize 
match on buf = [min keysize  : 4 ] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: Adding kernel 
cipher with name [md5] to the list 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: min keysize 
match on buf = [min keysize  : 4 ] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: Adding kernel 
cipher with name [blowfish] to the list 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: min keysize 
match on buf = [min keysize  : 4 ] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: For cipher 
with name [blowfish], set min_keysize = [4] from str = [4] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: For cipher 
with name [blowfish], set max_keysize = [56] from str = [56] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: Adding kernel 
cipher with name [crc32c] to the list 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_get_kernel_ciphers: Adding kernel 
cipher with name [deflate] to the list 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: Duplicates allowed for [key] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: Duplicates allowed for [keyfile] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: name = [rw]; value = [(null)] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: name = [verbose]; value = [(null)] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: name = [key]; value = [openssl] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: name = [keyfile]; value = 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree: Calling 
alloc_and_get_val() on node = [0xb7fbea40]; node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [sig] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[0].val = 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Called on 
node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [sig]
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node [sig] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree: Calling 
alloc_and_get_val() on node = [0xb7fbdf80]; node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [key] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[0].val = 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[1].val = 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Called on 
node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [key]
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node [key] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: From param_node = [0xb7fbdf80]; 
mnt_opt_names[0] = [key]: Setting ECRYPTFS_PROCESSED to nvp with nvp->name = 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Value retrieved from 
default_val or from parameter list; returning 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: Transitioning from [0xb7fbdf80]; name = 
[key] to [0xb7fd3240]; name = [keysource] per transition node's next_token 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree: Calling 
alloc_and_get_val() on node = [0xb7fd3240]; node->mnt_opt_names[0] = 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[0].val = 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Called on 
node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [keysource]
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node [keysource] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Value retrieved from 
node->default_val = [keyfile] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Value retrieved from 
default_val or from parameter list; returning 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree: Calling 
alloc_and_get_val() on node = [0xb7fd3784]; node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [keyfile] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[0].val = 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Called on 
node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [keyfile]
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node [keyfile] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: From param_node = [0xb7fd3784]; 
mnt_opt_names[0] = [keyfile]: Setting ECRYPTFS_PROCESSED to nvp with nvp->name 
= [keyfile] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Value retrieved from 
default_val or from parameter list; returning 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree: Calling 
alloc_and_get_val() on node = [0xb7fd3cc8]; node->mnt_opt_names[0] = 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[0].val = 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[1].val = 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[2].val = 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Called on 
node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [passwd_specification_method]
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node [passwd] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node [passwd_file] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node [passwd_fd] 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: ctx->get_string defined 
Dec 18 10:33:28 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: 
Dec 18 10:33:31 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: Transitioning from [0xb7fd3cc8]; name = 
[passwd_specification_method] to [0xb7fd420c]; name = [passwd] per transition 
node's next_token 
Dec 18 10:33:31 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree: Calling 
alloc_and_get_val() on node = [0xb7fd420c]; node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [passwd] 
Dec 18 10:33:31 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[0].val = 
Dec 18 10:33:31 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Called on 
node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [passwd]
Dec 18 10:33:31 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node [passwd] 
Dec 18 10:33:31 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: ctx->get_string defined 
Dec 18 10:33:31 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: 
Dec 18 10:33:31 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: node->mnt_opt_names[0] 
= [passwd] ; node->flags = [0x00000042] 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: tf_ssl_passwd: Called w/ node->val = 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: ecryptfs_dummy_get_key_data: Dummy 
function substituted for unimplemented function in key module 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree: Calling 
alloc_and_get_val() on node = [0xb7fbfa60]; node->mnt_opt_names[0] = 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[0].val = 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Called on 
node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [another_key]
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node [another_key] 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: Comparing nvp->name = [rw] to 
key_module_select_node.mnt_opt_names[0] = [key] 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: Comparing nvp->name = [verbose] to 
key_module_select_node.mnt_opt_names[0] = [key] 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree: Calling 
alloc_and_get_val() on node = [0xb7fbefa0]; node->mnt_opt_names[0] = 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[0].val = [aes] 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[1].val = 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[2].val = 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[3].val = [des] 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Called on 
node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [ecryptfs_cipher]
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: ctx->get_string defined 
Dec 18 10:33:36 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: 
Dec 18 10:33:40 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: tf_ecryptfs_cipher: Pushing onto stack; 
opt = [ecryptfs_cipher=blowfish] 
Dec 18 10:33:40 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: Transitioning from [0xb7fbefa0]; name = 
[ecryptfs_cipher] to [0xb7fbf500]; name = [ecryptfs_key_bytes] per transition 
node's next_token 
Dec 18 10:33:40 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree: Calling 
alloc_and_get_val() on node = [0xb7fbf500]; node->mnt_opt_names[0] = 
Dec 18 10:33:40 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[0].val = [16] 
Dec 18 10:33:40 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree:  node->tl[1].val = [32] 
Dec 18 10:33:40 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Called on 
node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [ecryptfs_key_bytes]
Dec 18 10:33:40 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node 
Dec 18 10:33:40 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: ctx->get_string defined 
Dec 18 10:33:40 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: 
Dec 18 10:33:42 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: Transitioning from [0xb7fbf500]; name = 
[ecryptfs_key_bytes] to [0xb7fc0fe0]; name = [end] per transition node's 
Dec 18 10:33:42 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: eval_param_tree: Calling 
alloc_and_get_val() on node = [0xb7fc0fe0]; node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [end] 
Dec 18 10:33:42 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: Called on 
node->mnt_opt_names[0] = [end]
Dec 18 10:33:42 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: retrieve_val: Called on node [end] 
Dec 18 10:33:42 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: alloc_and_get_val: 
Dec 18 10:33:50 vdrl mount.ecryptfs: could not resolve full path for source 
/var/cache/ecryptfs/100 [-22]

The directory exists...

ls -la /var/cache/ecryptfs/100

total 60K
drwx------ 2 jayjwa users  52K 2007-12-18 10:27 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 root   root  4.0K 2007-09-26 20:05 ../

And the mount was done as root, so the fact that it's only readable by my
own user shouldn't matter anyway, since root can see thru that.

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