Title: EDI Legal Questions

        Dear List:

        Our company has recently entered into a contract with a customer who has requested that all orders be routed through a minority / women owned business (MWOB).  Initially, our company will be handling the orders directly for the MWOB.  For example, customer places order on MWOB (actually Belden CD), then all documents being returned to customer must appear to be from MWOB.

        Legally, should I set-up a completely separate DUNS id to have our customer route their orders through.  Or, can I continue to use our normal DUNS id until the MWOB actually starts processing their own orders in a separate system (at which point they would then forward the orders to BCD).  Another idea was that I could change the DUNS id at the GS level to reflect this MWOB company.

        The main intention of this question is to find out what I need to do at the EDI level to legally make the document appear as a different company.  For the printed out invoices, packing list, and shipping documents, simply changing the logo to the new MWOB and providing a different remit-to address are sufficient (legally) for all intensive purposes to have our customer view their documents as going through this new company.

        Can anyone help me out on the legal requirements for EDI regarding receiving and sending documents?  Or can you suggest some good resources to look into this matter?

        Timothy Mitchell
        Belden Communications Division
        SAP Applications Professional
        ( 602.233.5523  Fax: 602.233.5773

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