
I'm in the process of putting a two-node Elasticsearch cluster (1.1.2) into 
production, but I'm having a bit of trouble keeping it stable enough for 
comfort.  Specifically, I'm trying to figure out the best way to keep the 
number of deleted documents under control.

Both nodes are r3.xlarge EC2 instances (4 cores, 30.5 GB RAM).  The ES 
cluster mirrors the primary data store, a MySQL database.  Relevant updates 
to the database are caught via triggers which populate a table that's 
monitored by an indexing process.  This results in what I'd consider of lot 
of reindexing, any time the primary data is updated.  Search and indexing 
performance thus far has been in line with expectations when the number of 
deleted documents is small, but as it grows (up to 30-40%), the amount of 
available RAM becomes limited, ultimately causing memory problems.  If I 
optimize/purge deletes then things return to normal, though I usually end 
up having to restart at least one server if not both due to OOM problems 
and shard failures during optimization.  When ES becomes the source of all 
searches for the application, I can't really afford this downtime.

What would be the preferred course of action here?  I do have a window over 
the weekend where I could work with somewhat reduced capacity;  I was 
thinking perhaps I could pull one node out of search rotation, optimize it, 
swap it with the other, optimize it, and then go on my way.  However, I 
don't know that I CAN pull one node out of rotation (it seems like the 
search API lets me specify a node, but nothing to say "Node X doesn't need 
any searches"), nor does it appear that I can optimize an index on one node 
without doing the same to the other.

I've tried tweaking the merge settings to favour segments containing large 
numbers of deletions, but it doesn't seem to make enough of a difference.  
I've also disabled merge throttling (I do have SSD-backed storage).  Is 
there any safe way to perform regular maintenance on the cluster, 
preferably one node at a time, without causing TOO many problems?  Am I 
just trying to do too much with the hardware I have?

Any advice is appreciated.  Let me know what info I left out that would 

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