Hi -

> Well, even if it happened unintentionally, it was ignored just the same
> as if it happened on purpose.  I hope the technical reasons for that
> are now fixed, and won't cause any problems next time.

You have been in the open source community long enough to know that
emails sometimes just get lost.  It might happen again, and one one
should not take too much offence.

> Please note that elfutils is a community project, and the code in
> question was contributed a few years ago by myself, see commit
> 2a16a0fc7e353f8fcfc27a57710e008840297847.

Yes, however we both know that this does not mean that a maintainer is
required to affirmatively consult you (or anyone) on changes years
after its contribution.

> Frank, please reconsider your approach.  Your comments are [...]

I disagree.

- FChE

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