Richard G Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are there any add-ons anything to yank urls from firefox/iceweasel
> directly into a certain org-mode category?

ouch. Your query reminds me that I promised long ago to write up my use
of some code that Bastien adapted from a planner-mode extension. I'm in
the midst of end-of-the-semester woes here (though I finally finished
grading my finals late last night!), but here's a quick cut-and-paste
of that code. It works very well for me.

First, here's the template I use (apologies for formatting weirdness).
You could add a function to semi-automate the category assignment -- 

           ("web-clip" ?w "* %c \n  :PROPERTIES: \n  :Entered: %U
\n  :END: \n  - ---->Quote from web page starts here\n    - %:region\n
- ---->Quote from web page ends here\n\n  %?\n" "~/plans/"
"Unfiled Clips") 

Second, here's the code -- 

;;; org-annotation-helper.el --- start remember from a web browser
;; Author: bzg AT altern DOT org
;; Keywords: org remember
;;; Commentary:
;; [bzg:] This is an adapted version of the planner-mode extension the
;; was first posted by Geert Kloosterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
;; the Planner mailing list.  All comments below are his.
;; We want to be able to pass a URL and document title directly from a
;; web browser to Emacs.
;; We define a remember:// url handler in the browser and use a shell
;; script to handle the protocol.  This script passes the information
;; to a running Emacs process (using emacsclient/gnuclient).  We use 
;; bookmarklets to create the remember:// urls dynamicly.
;; The protocol types currently recognized are:
;; remember://     start `remember' with the url and title filled in
;; annotation://   similar to `planner-annotation-as-kill' (org?)
;; The urls used internally will have the following form:
;;   remember://<the web page url>%1C<the title>
;; The title will be url-hex-encoded.  "%1C" is the (url-encoded) low
;; ascii value for the field separator.
;; The bookmarklets:
;; javascript:location.href='remember://' + location.href + \ 
;;   '%1C' + escape(document.title) + '%1C' +
escape(window.getSelection()) ;;
javascript:location.href='annotation://' + location.href + '%1C' +
escape(document.title) ;; ;; The helper script:
;; #!/bin/sh
;; # org-annotation-helper -- pass a remember-url to emacs
;; #
;; # Author: Geert Kloosterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
;; # Date: Sat Nov 19 22:33:18 2005
;; if [ -z "$1" ]; then
;;     echo "$0: Error: no arguments given!" 1>&2
;;     exit 1
;; fi
;; # For years I've been using Martin Schwenke's dtemacs script to start
;; # Emacs.  The script uses gnuclient to connect to Emacs and starts a
;; # new Emacs process when necessary.
;; # See
;; #
;; # dtemacs -batch -eval "(progn (bzg/org-annotation-helper \"$1\" )
\"\")" ;; 
;; # As of Emacs 22 emacsclient will work too
;; emacsclient --eval "(progn (bzg/org-annotation-helper \"$1\" ) nil)"
;; # EOF

;; Adding a protocol handler
;; -------------------------
;; Firefox
;; To add a protocol handler (eg: remember://) in Firefox, take the
;; following steps:
;; - type in "about:config" in the location bar
;; - right click, select New --> String
;; - the name should be "" 
;; - the value should be the executable, eg. "org-annotation-helper".
;;   At least under Linux this does not need to be the full path to 
;;   the executable.
;; See for more details.
;; Opera
;; In Opera add the protocol in the Preferences->Advanced->Programs
;; dialog.

;; Code:

(require 'url)

(autoload 'url-unhex-string "url")

(defun bzg/org-annotation-helper (info)
  "Process an externally passed remember:// style url.

URLSTRING consists of a protocol part and a url and title,
separated by %1C.

The protocol types currently recognized are:

remember://     start `remember' with the url and title
annotation://   similar to `org-annotation-as-kill'."
  (let ((remember-annotation-functions nil))
    ;; The `parse-url' functions break on the embedded url,
    ;; since our format is fixed we'll split the url ourselves.
    (if (string-match  "^\\([^:]*\\):\\(/*\\)\\(.*\\)" info)
      (let* ((proto (match-string 1 info))
             (url_title_region (match-string 3 info))
             (splitparts (split-string url_title_region "%1C"))
             (url (car splitparts))
             (type (if (string-match "^\\([a-z]+\\):" url) 
                       (match-string 1 url)))
             (title (cadr splitparts))
             (region (url-unhex-string (caddr splitparts)))
        (setq title (if (> (length title) 0) (url-unhex-string title)))
        (setq orglink (org-make-link-string url title))
        (org-store-link-props :type type
                              :link url
                              :region region
                              :description title)
        (setq org-stored-links
              (cons (list url title) org-stored-links))
        ;; FIXME can't access %a in the template -- how to set
annotation? (raise-frame)
        (cond ((equal proto "remember")
               (kill-new orglink)
               (org-remember ?w))
;;             (yank)) I don't think I need this yank
              ((equal proto "annotation")
               (message "Copied '%s' to the kill-ring." orglink)
               (kill-new orglink))
              (t (error "unrecognized org-helper protocol"))))
      (error "could not parse argument"))))

John Rakestraw

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