First of all, thank you for the tutorial and the code! Outshine has become
a major component of my workflow, I use it in all my source code buffers
(sql, R, elisp).

I have one question/proposal regarding key bindings. Outshine binds TAB
to outshine-cycle-subtree which only does something useful (calls
when the point is on a header line, otherwise it prints a message. TAB is
 heavily in various source code -related modes (yasnippets, smart-tab, etc. is a great source for those) -
behavior which I don't want to lose. There is some support of other TAB
behaviors in
outline-cycle but it is not used (and it ignores the user-defined bindings).

A while back I wrote a macro (based on the advice in which allows to activate minor
bindings when a condition is true and fall back to previous bindings

(defmacro define-key-with-fallback (keymap key def condition &optional
 "Define key with fallback. Binds KEY to definition DEF in keymap KEYMAP,
  binding is active when the CONDITION is true. Otherwise turns MODE off
  re-enables previous definition for KEY. If MODE is nil, tries to recover
it by
  stripping off \"-map\" from KEYMAP name."
  `(define-key ,keymap ,key (lambda () (interactive)
     (if ,condition ,def
       (let* ((,(if mode mode
                     (let* ((keymap-str (symbol-name keymap))
                               (mode-name-end (- (string-width keymap-str)
                        (if (string= "-map" (substring keymap-str
                          (intern (substring keymap-str 0 mode-name-end))
                          (error "Could not deduce mode name from keymap
name (\"-map\" missing?)")))) nil)
                 (original-func (key-binding ,key)))
           (call-interactively original-func))))))

So now I can just do

(define-key-with-fallback outline-minor-mode-map (kbd "TAB") (outline-cycle
1) (outline-on-heading-p))

and have my yasnippets and smart indentation/completion active again. My
question is am I reinventing
the wheel? Is there a function/macro in org-mode or elsewhere that would
allow me define key bindings
with fallback?

Thanks again,

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Thorsten Jolitz <> wrote:

> Hi List,
> there is a now a tutorial on Worg describing the recently announced new
> libraries for using (concepts and functionality of) Org-mode when
> outside Org-mode:
> ,-----------------------------------------------------------
> |
> `-----------------------------------------------------------
> Besides using the 'well-known' orgstruct-minor-mode, you can now:
> - use outline-minor-mode with *outshine.el* extensions and structure
>   your file with outshine-style headlines, giving your source-code files
>   the look&feel of Org-mode files. Should work in any major-mode.
> - use *outorg.el* to edit complete subtrees or the whole file as
>   Org-mode in a temporary Org-mode edit-buffer. Depends on outshine.
> - use *navi-mode.el* to open an occur-like indirect buffer for
>   super-fast navigation and structure-editing (as well as other common
>   actions on subtrees) in the associated original-buffer - all with
>   one-key commands in a read-only buffer. A kind of customizable
>   remote-control for the original-buffer with many views combining
>   headline and keyword searches and easy switching between the
>   associated buffers. Depends somehow on outshine too, but to a much
>   lesser degree than outorg.el
> And of course you have Francois Pinard's *poporg.el* and can (completely
> independent from orgstruct or outshine):
> - edit atomic comment-sections (anywhere in a source-code buffer, no
>   matter what major-mode) in a temporary Org-mode edit-buffer. Thus,
>   while *outorg* gives you a whole subtree with headline and source-code
>   blocks in a temporary Org-mode edit-buffer, *poporg* gives you only
>   the comment-string near point and nothing else, so that both libraries
>   complement each other really well in their usage.
> For more details see the tutorial on Worg.
> --
> cheers,
> Thorsten

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