jpff wrote:
I attempted to create a new frame from the File menu.
The frame is created but I always get this error:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments #[nil "=8c0=8c1!=83 =8c1=8c2!=88=8c0=8c3!=85=8c3=8c2!=87" [functionp tool-bar-mode -1 blink-cursor-mode] 2] 1) #[nil "=8c0=8c1!=83\n=8c1=8c2!=88=8c0=8c3!=85=8c3=8c2!=87" [functionp tool-bar-mode -1 blink-cursor-mode] 2](#<frame [EMAIL PROTECTED] 0x9312880>) run-hook-with-args(#[nil "=8c0=8c1!=83\n=8c1=8c2!=88=8c0=8c3!=85=8c3=8c2!=87" [functionp tool-bar-mode -1 blink-cursor-mode] 2] #<frame [EMAIL PROTECTED] 0x9312880>)

As far as I can tell the problem is my initialisation
(setq after-make-frame-functions
      (function (lambda (f) (tool-bar-mode -1))))

But the documentation for after-make-frame-functions suggests this is
correct and I call (tool-bar-mode -1) always in .emacs

I do not know the cause of the problem you see, but here are some comments:

- I think you should write (tool-bar-mode 1) now to turn on tool-bar-mode.

- I can not reproduce the traceback when I just set after-make-frame-functions after start up. (I did not try to put it .emacs)

- What is the value of your after-make-frame-functions? From the traceback it looks a bit strange.

I really cannot see the problem and it did work in emac 21

In GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars)
 of 2007-04-07 on cardew

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