Nick Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  > >    A "character" in emacs is represented by a normal integer.
>  > 
>  > > Because emacs does have the concept of characters, separate from
>  > > integers, it's just that they share a concrete representation in lisp.
>  > 
>  > I agree.
> What's an abnormal integer?  
> (A "character" in emacs is represented by an integer. ?)

The word "normal" is simply to emphasize the point that they're the same
integers which are generally used in lisp (I thought of leaving it out,
but I think it sounds beter with it).


In New York, most people don't have cars, so if you want to kill a person, you
have to take the subway to their house.  And sometimes on the way, the train
is delayed and you get impatient, so you have to kill someone on the subway.
  [George Carlin]

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