If you are running 8.04, Hardy Heron you need to be aware that Ubuntu
has released a new kernel.  When/if you update to this kernel you will
be advised to reboot.  It's the little pair of blue arrows up near the
stuff in the top right corner of the Gnome window.  When you update, it
will modify the GRUB bootloader's configuration so that when you reboot,
this new kernel will be the default and you will not be able to run EMC2
unless you change things just a bit.  

This note is from Jeff.
<jepler> now that the -17 kernel is out from ubuntu, I think a lot of
people are going to run into problems at their next reboot (the new
ubuntu kernel will be chosen over the rtai kernel).  I don't have time
right now, but can someone write a message to the users list explaining
how to select the right kernel at boot time so that emc can be run?

You can probably catch the GRUB menu if you're awake when the reboot
starts.  Simply press the <esc> key quite a few times while it reboots.
And tab down when the menu shows.  You need to run the kernel named 

Linux version 2.6.24-16-rtai

rather than the new

so that EMC2 will have access to the proper modules and such.  But that
is a nuisance so Jeff's next suggestion is probably the correct way to
fix this for now.

<jepler> unfortunately without editing grub's menu manually I'm not sure
how to change the default to be the rtai kernel..

First let's make a backup of the proper configuration file.  Do this by
issuing the following command in a terminal

sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.backup

When you press enter, you'll be asked for your user password.  Once you
enter that it should make the backup for you.

Now we need to find your favorite editor.  If you'd rather not use
Gedit, ignore the startup stuff here.  Open a terminal and enter this

sudo Gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

You'll be asked for your password if this is not the same terminal you
used to make the backup or if the password has timed out.  Enter it and
the gedit widget will fill up with a bunch of stuff.  Most of it you can
ignore but down near the bottom of that file you will see several blocks
of stuff that looks a bit like this.

title           Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-17-generic
root            (hd0,0)
kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-17-generic
root=UUID=55655b37-adf7-4806-928a-cdbe2b889492 ro quiet splash
initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-17-generic

and down a way you should find.

title           Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-16-rtai
root            (hd0,0)
kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-rtai
root=UUID=55655b37-adf7-4806-928a-cdbe2b889492 ro quiet splash
initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-16-rtai

This kernel is the one you want to use to run the EMC2 software so we
need to point GRUB to it.  To do that, count each block, look for the
word "title" at the start of a line.  Count starting with zero until you
get to the title line that shows the -rtai.  On mine that is 2.  (the
third block)  Your setup may well be different because you might have
dual, tripple, or more boot or some such.  

Now you need to move up near the top of the file to a line that reads
something like this.

default         0

and change that line to read like this.

default         (insert the numerical value you counted to here)

On my box that line reads like this.

default         2

Now immediately below that are a couple of handy things you might want
to also thing about changing.  The first is the timeout for the menu.

timeout         5

Put the time you need to come awake in there if you are dual booting.

This one pretty much explains itself.  Just put a (#) in front of the
hiddenmenu line and it will always give you the menu for the time you
set above. 

## hiddenmenu
# Hides the menu by default (press ESC to see the menu)

For right now, DON"T SCREW with the rest of the file.  You can do that
later when you feel adventurous.

Hope this helps folks around the problem I had not long ago.


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