red rag to a bull
here is a quick and dirty gcode
(generate gear cnc prog)
G20 (set inches)
G90 (set absolute)
S3400 (set spindle speed)
G94 (set inches per min)
G0 X0 Y.5 Z0 (move cutter centerline)
G0 F100 A-1 (rotate blank back to start+1)
G1 F100 A0 (rotate blank to remove backlash)
M3 (start cutter clockwise)

O100 sub (subroutine to cut N teeth)

 O101 while [#<cnt> lt [#3]] (tooth counter)

 #<generate_cnt>=0 ()
(#<rotate_minus>=20) (arbitary angle at the moment )
#<rotate_angle>=20 (arbitary angle at the moment )
#<cutter_linear>=[#<circumference>*[20/360]] (related movement to
generate the form)
(drop Z and rotate to start point)
  G91 (set relative)
   G0 A[#<rotate_angle>] z[0-#<cutter_linear>] (rotate blank and move cutter )
  G90 (set incremental)
 O102 while [#<generate_cnt> lt [#5*2]]

  G0    X#2 Y0 (move to cut start)
  G1 F2.5  x#2 Y#4
  G0 x0
  G0  Y.0
  G91 (set relative)
   G0 A[0-#<rotate_angle>/#5] z[#<cutter_linear>/#5] (rotate blank)
  G90 (set incremental)

 O102 endwhile
 (back to center point)
  G91 (set relative)
   G0 A[#<rotate_angle>] z[0-#<cutter_linear>] (rotate blank)
  G90 (set incremental)

  G91 (set relative)
  G0 A#1 (rotate blank)
  G90 (set incremental)
 O101 endwhile
O100 endsub

#<teeth>=29 (qty to cut)
#<pcd>=2.2 (calc or read from table)
#<depth>=[.076] (cut depth adjust as needed, should be calculated read
from a table till then touch off on od total depth of cut)
#<generate_qty>=8 (number of passes to approximate an involute more
=slower but better quality)

#<cut_length>=[0-.133] (adjust to suit gear thicknes of blank plus
some to allow for cutter dia before cut start, so we dont hit the
blank at speed)

O100 call [#<angle>] [#<depth>] [#<teeth>] [#<cut_length>]
[#<generate_qty>] [#<pcd>]

G0 A0 (rotate blank back to start)
M5 (stop cutter)
G90 (set absolute)
(return cutter to start pos)
M30 (stop program)

you should be able to guess what needs changing to fit your machine
I tested cutting air on my machine with a previously cut gear and a flycutter

Dave Caroline

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