On 18 July 2017 at 10:06, Manuel Wolfshant <wo...@nobugconsulting.ro> wrote:
> On 07/18/2017 05:02 PM, Claessen, Paul wrote:
> Thanks for the reply!
> Would you, by any chance, have a suggestion on how to avoid this behavior?
> Is there anything I can do so that when I do a yum install, it will always,
> and only, install the latest version of a certain package?
> you will need to provide somehow directly the epel-release package shipped
> by Fedora, bypassing the one from Centos. For instance by using something
> similar to
>     yum install
> https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel//7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-10.noarch.rpm
> IMNSHO it would be less elegant that just using yum install followed by yum
> update, pointing directly to repos is well... meh :)

I agree. I mean unless your kickstart also points to the updates
directory and you have a locked copy of the repository local you are
going to run into a problem of not always getting the latest version
of a certain package. If you need that level of control you need to
rethink how you are provisioning the entire ecosystem from the getgo.

1. Make a local mirror of the repos and only gate in stuff you want into them.
2. Make a kickstart which points to those repos to build the system
3. %post Provision the system to only look at those repos versus the
world ones.

That is the best way to make sure that you have on the systems exactly
what you want.

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