On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 5:03 AM Carl George <c...@redhat.com> wrote:
> However, despite the good intentions, I've observed some frustrations
> among Fedora packagers when collaborators are added via this process.
> We do not want maintainers to feel rushed or circumvented.  That said,
> I am firmly of the opinion that nobody "owns" Fedora packages, we
> maintain them.  Packagers wanting to take action on EPEL requests
> should have a way to do that if the existing maintainers have not
> taken action within a reasonable amount of time.  What I would like to
> discuss is what amount of time is reasonable.

Have you asked the existing packagers who are
unhappy with having other collaborators being
added to a package when they have not yet
responded why they did not respond?  There
difference between they never saw the email
(and then sending even dozens might not
matter), and they were so overwhelmed that
they just had no time even to reply with
something like "I'll get to this in (around) a
month; ping me again then".

And while you are asking that question, perhaps
ask if the packager has any good ideas on
alternative solutions that they think could work
better (there may be some common thread in
the responses).

FWIW, while I think two weeks is a bit too tight
(there are numerous events that can take
someone away from such activities for more
than two weeks(*)), knowing any common
reasons for not responding may point to better


(*) And while a month seems better, I also see
that timeframe being frustrating to others who
want to use those packages, or to build
dependent packages.  No great answers.
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