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Indonesia Christian Communication Forum 
- - - - - - - - I C C F Doc. - - - - - - - - - -

Closing,  Destruction  and/ or Burning of Churches 
in Indonesia.

During the Soekarno Presidency
The First President of  Republic of Indonesia
On August 17, 1945  to March 7, 1967:  2 Churches
(average/ month = 0.008)

During the Soeharto Presidency
Closing,  Destruction  and/ or Burning of Churches
During the Soeharto Presidency
The Second President of Republic of  Indonesia
On March 7, 1967 To May 21, 1998 : 456 Churches
(average/ month =  1.19)

During the B.J. Habibie Presidency
Closing,  Destruction  and/ or Burning of Churches
During the Prof. Dr. Ing. B.J. Habibie Presidency
The Third President of Republic of Indonesia
On May 21, 1998 to October 20 , 1999:  156 Churches
(average/ month = 9.18)

During the K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid 
Closing,  Destruction  and/ or Burning of Churches
During the K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid 
The Fourth President of Republic of Indonesia
On  October  20 to January 31, 2001:  211 Churches
(average/ month = 14.07)

Total up to January 31, 2001 = 825 Churches

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Bagi Dialah kemuliaan sampai selama-lamanya!" (Roma 11:36)
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