It is implicit when you use an IDE that it will change the environment.
Just like we are not giving any warning that the search path is altered
by ESS or that we are pre-processing any input the user supplies.

The number of users who care about these options is probably very small.
I myself have no idea what they are for. At the minimum, we should have
an `inferior-ess-silent-init` option set to `t` by default.


> On 27 févr. 2017, at 22:23, Martin Maechler <> 
> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 7:04 PM, Vitalie Spinu < 
> <>> wrote:
>> I would agree with that. I think it's pretty safe to make that silent.
> I don't think that safety is the issue here.  Rather "transparency".
> If ESS changes relatively important  options()  in R, as an R user I'd
> rather like to notice.   So this was visibly quite on purpose.
> Martin
>>>> On Mon, Feb 27 2017 13:54, Lionel Henry wrote:
>>> Hi Luping,
>>> This is normal and part of ESS initialisation, but it has always
>>> bugged me as well. I think we should make this output silent.
>>> Lionel
>>>> On 27 févr. 2017, at 10:10, Luping Zhang <> wrote:
>>>> To whom may concern
>>>> Sorry for bothering you. But I have a question about ESS.
>>>> When typing the command “M-x R RET” in mini buffer, I can
>>>> go in R, as the following picture shows. However, there is always
>>>> an information: “if (identical (getOption)…” pops up. I am not sure
>>>> this is normal when using ESS in emacs. Could you explain for me
>>>> why this information always shows, and how can I avoid this. By the way,
>>>> My configuration in emacs initial file is
>>>> ( use-package ess-site
>>>>     :ensure ess
>>>>     :init
>>>>     (setq inferior-R-program-name “/usr/local/bin/R)
>>>>     (setq ess-ask-for-ess-directory nil))
>>>> Thanks again, long for hear from you
>>>> Greetings from Nanjing China
>>>> Luping
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