tl;dr: I enabled an action 'on save' and I no longer find where :-/

Longer story: I settled upon GNU global and ggtags at some point for a
(mostly multilingual) system of tags in R and C++ (and some more). So a few
of source directories have these (ugly names) files GPATH, GTAGS, GRTAGS.
And at one point I became too clever by half and somehow enabled updating of
these files for at least some repos. But I no longer remember _how_ I did
that and can, for the life of me, find any trace in my .emacs (and, older
story, .elisp/*el) file(s). It is definitely active in ~/git/rcpp and
~/git/tiledb-r -- which maybe the two repos in work in the most.

This list has been very kind helpful in the past when I puzzled myself with
this one true editor.  I suspect I used an ESS hook somewhere.  How would I
find or debug this?

The net effect seems to be that as soon I save (C-x s) the files GTAGS and
GRTAGS get updated.  Which I otherwise do via a one-line script setting the
proper options (as GNU global at some point in the past needed a patch, I
think that is no longer needed)
gtags --gtagsconf=/home/edd/.globalrc --gtagslabel=pygments --verbose 
--statistics "$@"

I have been half-amused by this for a few weeks but I am approaching "white
flag" territory here on my own workstation: how do I find out how I enabled
this?  I looked into git commit hooks (nope), GNU global config (nope), and,
by looking more closely at the timestamps, have to suspect that is from
Emacs.  But nothing in the Emacs config gives it away. I have a vague memory
that it went via one of the XDG standard directories
(~/.config/share/SOMETHING ?) but no mas.  

Dirk, only moderately amuzed by now

-- | @eddelbuettel |

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