On 8 Jul 2021 at 20:56, mark hanson via EV wrote:

> A friend's wife totaled a model 3 on a country road ...   my friend
> ... totaled a second Tesla-3 ... has some medical issues from the
> accident. 

So sorry to hear that.  Condolences to your friends, and hopes for an 
eventual full recovery.

> I guess I'm old fashioned, I'm happy with an electric car that just runs ...

With you 100% there.  

> I suspect that the accident rate for the full self driving feature is
> probably underreported though.  

What Justin said eariler supports that notion:

>  for truly dangerous situations it can't handle, well surely autopilot
> wouldn't be engaged in an accident, since it would have kicked the user
> out of it moments before the problem. 

It seems more than a little disingenuous for Tesla to release all those 
statements that "autopilot wasn't engaged when the crash happened" when 
autopilot is conveniently designed not to be.

David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey

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