"Ford made a premium gas fragrance for EV owners who miss the smell of 
fossil fuels"


or https://v.gd/JkwfOE

Apparently this is a thing.  Just today, hours before reading this, I was 
chatting with a young sales person in a hardware store.  She was perhaps in 
her mid-20s.  We talked about the store's electric mowers and then somehow 
got onto EVs.  She said that the new EVs were OK, even interesting, but that 
she'd never buy one.  Why not?  Because she'd miss the noise and the stink 
of ICEs.  I guess she was serious.  She even specifically mentioned the 
stench of unburned hydrocarbons. 

It's a strange addiction, entirely beyond my ken, but there you have it.

David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey

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