On 23 Jul 2021 at 11:47, paul dove via EV wrote:

> Many people believe oil is a couple of. 

I guess there's a word or two missing there, because I have no idea what 
that sentence is supposed to mean.

> with 100's of companies drilling, storing, transporting, refining etc.
> certain segments aren't profitable. 

Aw, poor babies.  Their poverty wrenches at my heart.  I'll just carve this 
toothpick into a sad little violin for them.

The big money fat cats are always talking about the purity and perfection of 
free markets.  Well, let's go for it.  Let's free up the oil market.  

Phase out the tax-financed petro-welfare, and let the famously dispassionate 
invisible hand of the free market settle the profitability problem.  Put 
those 600 billion public tax dollars toward something with actual public 
benefit - oh, I dunno, how about universal public health insurance, to cover 
the public health costs of pollution and climate change?   Ha, ha, just 

As the poor suffering unprofitable refiners and other parts of the greasy 
supply chain lose their handouts and fail, the huge monopolists will absorb 
them.  The "excessive competition" problem will just fade away.

Of course the price of fuel will rise to pay the actual unsubsidized supply 
costs, plus a nice fat profit for the monopolists and their stockholders.  

As it rises, eventually even Joe Tonka with his 3-ton big-boy-toy truck will 
start to see the EV light - maybe even the PV light too.  Ha, ha, just 

David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey

To reach me, don't reply to this message; I won't get it.  Use my 
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
     Take the longest nap possible.  Do not nap underneath trucks.

                             -- US Army Field Manual FM 7-22
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

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