Mark, I'd still like to read YOUR responses to the questions posted here, 
especially to my own questions.  

That said, thanks for posting that video clip.  

I wasn't too impressed with the production itself - all those annoying jump 
cuts!  I don't undertand why producers will put significant effort into a 
production, but can't be bothered to set up a second camera (old mobile 
phones are cheap) so they have another angle for editing without jump cuts.  
They don't even seem to know how to make or use simple B-roll.  

At least she was more prepared than the "Hey youtubers, today we're gonna 
look at ..." crowd who just wing it, wasting the viewers' time with semi-
coherent rambling.  

But that's just technical griping.  To get to the info, the presenter made a 
point that I hadn't thought much about - increasing range on an FCEV is less 
likely to add significant weight than it would on a BEV.  

She seems to think that that matters more for trucks than cars.  I'd say 
that the opposite is true.  When you consider battery weight as a percentage 
of a  truck's payload,  more might not be that big a deal.

She points out that FCEVs fuel faster.  She says 5 minutes for FCEVs; 
elsewhere I've read 8 minutes.  However, as superchargers hit 300kW, the 
difference is narrowing.  

So 2 of her 5 points - refueling and other uses - may give a slight edge to 

But her 3 other points are either pretty close to a toss-up (range), or come 
down solidly in favor of BEVs (efficiency and infrastructure)..  

That's especially true of infrastructure, because H2 stations are costly to 
build - from what I've just read, around $2.8 million.  However, adding 
150kW charging to existing filling stations costs less than $150k per 
charging point.

I was *really* irritated when she brought up that old, long-since debunked 
fiction, "If all our cars were EVs they'd take down the grid."  "All EVs" 
isn't going to happen overnight, nor any time soon, and possibly never.  
There's plenty of time for utlities to catch up.  She should know better.

On the balance, I thought that on her 5 challenge points, BEVs were the 
clear winner -  IN SPITE of "By the way, thank you to Toyota for sponsoring 
this entire series."  

David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey

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