Hi all,

NOBLE is proceeding with a project to make some changes to the library
selector in the Angular staff catalog. I'm sharing our requirements with
the community first to ensure the project doesn't conflict with any desired
behavior for the selector.

The full requirements are available at the bottom of this email, but the
short version is:

   1. We plan to restore shelving location groups in the selector, similar
   to the way they appear in the public catalog.
   2. We plan to make the library selector for the staff catalog search
   honor the visibility settings used for the public catalog library selector.

#1 is the restoration of a feature from the old staff catalog.
#2 introduces new behavior that hasn't been used in previous staff
catalogs. We could not think of a use case where an org unit should be
invisible in the public catalog when performing a search, but should be
visible in the staff catalog search. However, if there is one, let us know
so that we can add an option, most likely a global flag.

Please send us any feedback or concerns by the end of the day Friday so
that we can move forward with finalizing the requirements for this project.

 Angular Staff Catalog: Library Selector Improve...

Thank you!
Kathy Lussier
Executive Director
NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange
Danvers, MA
978-777-8844 x201
Evergreen-general mailing list

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