There's a PDF file I need to read quite often.  Lately, opening it in 
evince hasn't worked.  No window appears on the screen and no messages 
appear in the terminal window.  The best I can describe it is that the 
behavior resembles what would happen if evince tried to open the 
document window completely outside the boundaries of my computer 
screen.  All I can do is kill the program; there's no way to send it 
any input or do anything else.

Nothing is wrong with the PDF file itself.  When I make a copy of the
file (or even create a hard-link to it with a different name), evince
opens the copy (or the link) properly.  I can only conclude that
evince's memory of the settings in use during the last time I viewed
the file has somehow gotten corrupted.

Therefore I would like to erase those settings and start fresh.  The
question is how to do so -- there doesn't appear to be any way.  "gio
remove" will get rid of the file's entry in the "Recent Documents"
screen, but when I go ahead and open it again, evince behaves the same
faulty way.

This is with evince version 3.28.2 under Fedora 28.  What's the 


Alan Stern

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