On Monday, October 24, 2016, Milan Crha <mc...@redhat.com> wrote:

> having actual backtrace of the crash helps to identify whether anything
> similar is already known or whether you face a new thing.

> Other details also matter. For example, what is your Forward style? By
> any chance, is it "Forward as Attachment"? I cannot reproduce it
> myself, but there is the below bug report, which may or may not be the
> same as what you see (it depends on your backtrace and your settings):
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=773274

Thanks Milan for your response. My forward style is like Outlook, so
inline. I updated my Arch system and I don't get this anymore. If I get it,
I'll write it and try to get a backtrace.


PS. I got other issue with Evolution in Wayland, where the Evolution main
window is totally black. I shall report this separately as well if it
re-occurs. Switched to xorg for the moment for work.

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