On 12/09/11 6:53 PM, "Pedro Mansilla" <pedro.mansi...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Well 4.69 does have DomainKeys and DKIM both in Experimental. I saw some
>webpages of users that did granted to make it work with both.
>What I do not know now regarding latest source codes is if for domainkeys
>one can edit Makefile and add the usage and libs links for domainkeys.
>it was done in the exims wiki for v4.68.
>We need it because of our country internet laws. All sort of email
>comunication are mandatory to use DomainKeys, SPF, DKIM, SenderID.

What country are you in which mandates by law DomainKeys and DKIM ? Can
you give specific links where it says this?


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