For starters, its ttySx NOT ttysx:

bash-2.03$ setserial /dev/ttys0
/dev/ttys0: Input/output error
bash-2.03$ setserial /dev/ttyS0
/dev/ttyS0: Permission denied
bash-2.03$ sudo setserial /dev/ttyS0
/dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4

For doing a straight echo like that, and expecting something at the other
end, you need to setup baud rates etc.  Generally you set something like
this up in iniitab, to watch the serial port with a getty, then when the
terminal program connects you get a login prompt:

# Serial lines 
#s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty -L 9600 ttyR0 vt100
#s2:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 19200 ttyS1 vt100

Just uncomment (remove the #) and set the rates/terminal type

Now if you are trying to go the other way from the Linux box to the
Windows box, I'm not sure what you hope to be able to do once you're
connected. Not much, unless you're running some BBS software on the
Windows box.  In that case, use minicom on the Linux end.

Stew Benedict

     The power in technology lies in getting it to 
          work the way you do, we can help.
Stew Benedict *** AYS Enterprises *** [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 18063833    Phone/Fax: 216-228-3983

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