your lilo.conf file does contain scsi=ide for both drives?

On Sunday 26 May 2002 11:18 am, you wrote:
> On Sun, May 26, 2002 at 08:38 -0400, et wrote:
> > sounds like a screwed cd or sumptin, I don't have the "powerpack" I have
> > the "prosuite" but to check I just went to xcdroast and tried to burn
> > disk 1, and had no problem.
> > you should be aware that the "powerpack" has some programs (on disk
> > 3,4,5,) that are not GNU (SO6 for one) and should not be burned and given
> > away, they are purchased software that you paid for whaen you bought the
> > powerpack. you can freely burn the 2 GNU cds though
> > have you tried gcombust?
> Well, now I installed gcombust and it works. gcombust did not find the
> devices, I had to manually fill in the device names for the cdrom and the
> cdrw. But it did 'see' that there is a cd in the cdrom waiting to be
> copied by the cdrw.
> Nothing is perfect!
> wobo

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