
Can go with mindi/mondo (urpmi mind) would take care
of it.

Or, in my case, buy a cheapo drive $30.00 gives u 40Gb
nowadays, and
tar cf /dev/hdb/root.tar /
for i in  /usr /var /opt /home /whateverfilesystem
tar cf /mnt/hdb/$i $i

So if hda dies, all u do is replace it, and boot with
install disk, rescue mode, create ur new filesystems,
and restore from backup drive only the files/directory
into new location.
then run lilo -r /mnt/hdb/
reboot with new drive.

Works everytime for me.

I even clone systems this way (primitive, but works!)

--- Adrian Golumbovici
> Sorry if this might come up twice in the list, but
> for some strange reason I sent the message yesterday
> and it didn't appear yet in the list. On the other
> hand the message I sent today appeared in a few
> mins, so I will suppose the message got lost somehow
> on the way and post it again. Sorry in advance for
> any inconvenience if it appears as a double, but I
> really wish for an answer on this issue.
> Best regards,
> Adrian
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Adrian Golumbovici 
> Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 7:34 PM
> Subject: Complete system backup
> Hi all,
> Have an embarrasing question... I never did a
> complete backup of my system (I know I should be
> ashamed:) ) and most times I just restored it by
> hand step by step in case something foul happened.
> Unfortunatelly now my System has been running stable
> since last year and I changed/customized/installed
> so many things on my server/firewall that I am
> starting to shiver at the idea to redo everything
> from scratch if it would somehow fail... On the
> other hand, partial backup on such a customized
> installation would also be a pain as I would have to
> think of what things I changed and what should I
> backup and though I have a good memory, it would be
> almost futile to think of all the possible files I
> might want to backup. Also a partial backup might
> conflict if I would reinstall the entire OS and load
> the backup if the backup files do not fit the
> packages versions. So I was kinda wondering if there
> is such thing as a backup where to restore the whole
> system (including OS itself) you'd put the backup CD
> in and let it restore "installer like". So without
> having to install linux first. This might also prove
> usefull later when I want to change the hdd of my
> server with a faster one. For now I have 3
> older/slower hdds and because of that I am kind of
> limited with the partitions options. It would also
> be cool if I could specify by backup to ignore the
> current partitions/hdds, so I could restore all
> later on a single bigger hdd. So... Is there a way
> to make such a backup or am I running after
> windmills? :)
> Best regards and thanks in advance for your help
> guys,
> Adrian

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