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Hello Bryan,

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 12:36:51 -0500, Bryan Phinney
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about [expert] lm sensors:

>Scenario, I installed lmsensors by RPM, ran sensors-detect and let it
>create the /etc/sysconfig/lmsensors configuration file.  When I restarted
>the computer, the lmsensors init script kicked off, showed loading modules
>and then nothing, hard lock.  I power cycled the machine, booted into
>failsafe mode, disabled lmsensors init script and went back into Linux.

There`s easier ways to tackle that; IMHO. Proberbly failsafe is safe, but
why bother, if you`re careful and consider beforehand what you do, go to
init 1 and cd to where you want to make your changes. Of course, vi may be
the preferred editor for that, but I didn`t have the time to learn it yet.
Still mc has a pretty easy editor which will easily access what you need to

>manually tried to load lmsensors init script and it hard locked again.  I
>rebooted, went back and tried to manually load the modules that are loading
>from the script and they loaded fine.  I then manually unloaded the modules
>and they also unloaded fine.
>I rewrote the lmsensors init script so that it was manually loading the 
>modules rather than pulling them from the /etc/sysconfig/lmsensors file.  I
>ran the script and it loaded the modules, then stopped the script and it 
>unloaded the modules.  When I went to restart it, the machine hard locked 

I would follow following scenario: a. make sure sensorsd service is not
running. b. Run the script provided, don`t allow it to modify your
conf.modules or whichever they suggest; you already know which modules the
script found, so check no modules are loaded, and if they are not see if
Gkrellm already gets some kernel data. If yes don`t put that stream in
modules.conf. If no kernel data is read add any of the modules per the
script to modules.conf. Before each step and after each erroneous load of
modules that don`t add a data stream that Gkrellm can read you have to
stop the service & unload the previous set of loaded modules.

Compare your kernel logs, particularly /var/log/kernel/errors. It will show
bus collisions, if any. I was lucky I did not get hard locks when I ran too
many modules, but the logs filled alright.

In 9.0 and 9.1 there were a couple of versions of the kernel that did not
have all sensors for *my* modules, I don`t know your board so with current
kernels it could PH be similar, though I estimate the chances extremely
slight, given the activity I read on Cooker of Mr. Thomas Backlund and
others with respect to the kernel packages.

>I have just edited my modules file to load the i2c-proc module at bootup 
>rather than letting it load from the lmsensors init script.  If anyone has 
>any suggestions for me, I would really appreciate it.

So you appear to be infected by the reboot philosophy of certain O/S`s
(sometimes I am guilty of similar behaviours to analyze probs. ;-), but
with this (unless hardlocked), I see no need to reboot.

>BTW, sensors.conf is stock and I did not add any lines to /etc/modules.conf

You should, that is the only way for the service which this package
provides will read any data that are not provided by the kernel. Unless,
naturally, the kernel provides *all* for your particular mobo.

Best of luck,
=Dick Gevers=
CDCS; temporarily banking SW tester.
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