I've been doing a little experimentation with the support for
successively increasing ban times in the current 0.11 codebase and had a
few observations and a question.

In an actionban, <bantime> seems to always expand to the base bantime
setting.  But if I expand <raw-ticket>, I see something like:
  BanTicket: ip= time=1553724387.566927 bantime=3000 bancount=3 
#attempts=4 matches=[...
Interestingly, if bancount is 1, <raw-ticket> will show bantime=None.  Is
there any way to just get <bantime> to show the actual time of the ban?

I keep getting this error in the logs:
  2019-03-27 17:16:43,472 fail2ban.observer       [26876]: INFO    [sshd] Found, bad - 2019-03-27 17:16:43, 1 # -> 2.0
  2019-03-27 17:16:43,472 fail2ban.observer       [26876]: ERROR   '>=' not 
supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'
Not sure where it's coming from, though.

I don't think I've ever seen an address banned for the minimum time; the
observer seems to immediately bump the ban time up to the next
increment.  But that might be because by now this machine has already
seen most addresses which are going to probe it.

When I set bantime.rndtime, it appears that non-integer values get
passed on to ipset which causes failures:
  exec: ipset add f2b-sshd timeout 1874.0727681174424 -exist
  stderr: "ipset v6.38: Syntax error: '1874.0727681174424' is invalid as number"

 - J<

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