Got a link to that video?


--- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 28, 2008, at 8:55 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:
> > --- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> >>
> >> There had been talk of others hearing him crying out in pain in
> >> the months leading up to the death, as he was in some bad pain
> >> (so much for the samadhi and bliss, huh?).
> >
> > Samadhi and bliss can't coexist with body experiencing pain? It's my
> > impression that Ramana Maharshi screaming out in agonizing pain from
> > the cancer destroying his body is held up as an example of just that:
> > transcendental bliss coexisting with body experiencing extreme pain.
> I'd heard different stories of Ramana, but most seemed to emphasize  
> his ability to remain aloof and blissfully happy; 'it's just the  
> body'. So yeah, I think the two can exist together. In Ramana's case  
> I believe he remained seated in asana even after death and his  
> devotees were allowed one last darshan of his physical body. Video  
> I've seen of this was amazing, as even though he was actually dead,  
> there seemed to be some thing still there which radiated presence,  
> some deathless spirit.
> "When he was suffering from cancer in the arm a disciple ran away  
> crying because he could not bear to see his master in pain. Ramana  
> only smiled and spoke to a disciple nearby. "Duraswami is crying  
> because he thinks I am suffering agonies! My body is suffering but I  
> am not suffering. When will he realise that I am not this body?""

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