On Jul 28, 2015 8:46 AM, "Ankur Sinha" <sanjay.an...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2015-07-16 at 10:55 +0200, Gabriele Trombini wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> Hiya!
> Sorry I haven't replied yet - I was away at an academic conference. :)
> >
> > as you know the talk proposal was accepted(
> > https://flock2015.sched.org/
> > event/5c50e2d10a4b1bd7319f6ece318bdcb4#.VadurK0eLeQ).
> Awesome!
> >
> > There are some points I should develop:
> >
> > General part:
> >
> > 1) the new structure of fedora-join;
> > 2) the target of fed-join;
> > 3) the new workflow of fed-join;
> > 4) what we need to reach the goal;
> Sounds good. The goal of the SIG should be focussed - people need to
> understand why the SIG is around in the first place and how it'll
> contribute to Fedora. Something on the lines of:
> "We take it for granted that newbies will come up and ask us questions
> and learn by themselves but this isn't really how it works. Newbies are
> generally shy and scared and only after they spend enough time in the
> community do they learn how to go about it all. We want seasoned
> contributors to speak to them right when they enter the project to
> teach them the Open source way and the Fedora way - at the earliest
> opportunity! :D
> You may even get questions about how this is different from the older
> "mentors program" and so on.
> >
> > Specific part:
> >
> > 1) why "Mary" is "marooned" (wiki for "dummies", how don't get lost
> > inside);
> > 2) what we can do for Mary;
> > 3) let's "rescue" Mary together.
> I really like this idea. It'll really help in getting across how
> newbies find it difficult to join up when they are completely new to
> the project.
> > Proposals:
> >
> > 1) a badge assigned for each rescued user;
> Hrm, this means "Mary" gets a badge? Doesn't this already happen since
> all new FAS account users get badges. How about badges for people that
> rescue Mary instead? That'll encourage more contributors to help out?
> So:
> - badges for people that help newbies
> - improve join.fp.o which just redirects to
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join at the moment (it may have all the
> info we think newbies need, but it doesn't really help them too much
> since they have zero knowledge of the community's functioning
> beforehand).
> - get http://whatcanidoforfedora.org/ more visibility - and provide
> options there to speak to the Fedora Join SIG?
> - and so on..?
> > Those are some of the points I guessed, of course others can get up
> > while writing the talk, but if you have any suggestion, feel free to
> > reply.
> >
> Thanks for working on this. It'll be nice to get some feedback from any
> newbies here if they're still around ;)
> --
> Thanks,
> Regards,
> Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"

Thinking about badges, and how to award them, gave me an idea.  What if,
instead of being simply a badge, there were a "Community Mentor Award"
(name TBD) for three or so folks each release cycle, with nominations and
selection from the community at large via the elections app?

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