I'm enthusiastic about science and computers.I like some sports like
cycling and F1 and I enjoy playing video games and learning about new
advancements in science and technology. This year I am going to start a
computer science degree.

I first experienced Linux and FOSS thanks to a raspberry pi. I really liked
the idea of being able to see and change the code of software. Besides, I
like how one can adapt Linux to run from the most powerful computer on
earth to embedded devices.
My journey with the Linux desktop began when I received an external drive
where I could install Linux without messing with Windows. I installed
Ubunto where I learnt the basics of Linux and six months after I installed
Arch. Also, I was annoyed with the fact that I needed to connect the
external drive whenever I wanted to use Linux so I installed it alongside
Windows on the internal drive.

Fast forward to two month ago, I installed Fedora, which I knew thanks to
Youtube and Reddit, because I wanted an out of the box configured Linux
distro as in I did not have much time to spend configuring it. The most
decisive factor was its intention of pushing the Linux desktop forward and
adopting new technologies rapidly. Another factor was its up to date
packages. Currently, I am trying Fedora silverblue as its premise seems
very interesting.

I have used several FOSS projects although I never contributed to them. I
have always wanted to contribute back to FOSS projects but I was
overwhelmed. I would like to push the open source software further,
especially the Linux desktop and Fedora.

I have basic programming skills in Python and Go, which I have used in some
basic personal projects. Currently I am learning a bit of Rust. I also know
some basic knowledge of git. Last, I am comfortable using the command line
and know how to do some basic stuff. I am also eager to learn any skill
necessary or helpful and new knowledge while I contribute.

Regarding the mailing list, I have never used a mailing list. I do not have
a prefered real time chat platform although I have set up matrix/element
and have a discord account. Furthermore, I have never moderated or
administered any forum. I do not know exactly how much time  I will spend
volunteering. It is a difficult question to answer as it would greatly vary
depending on the mood, personal life, etc. However, I would happily spend
at least 2-4 hours per week as stated in the "How to be a successful
contributor" page.

I hope I do not bother anyone or bore any readers.

Thanks for reading and the help.
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