- your experience with Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) communities/ecosystems:

    - have you participated in FOSS before, or is this the first time?

        -- This is my first time actively participating in the Free and Open-Source Software community

    - how do you imagine your place in a FOSS community?

        -- I envision myself as a healthy contributor to the Free Software community, utilizing my current proficiency in the English language to serve as a translator. My aim is to assist individuals who may not be familiar with the language, facilitating a more accessible and inclusive environment. I aspire to leverage this opportunity to enhance my collaborative teamwork skills and refine my communication abilities.

- your background/skills, for example:

   - Operating System (Do you use GNU/Linux as your main OS? Is Fedora Linux your main distribution?)

        -- GNU/Linux is my primary OS, and specifically, Fedora Linux is my preferred distribution.

    - non-software development: design (Inkscape/Gimp/?), music/video/podcasting, marketing, language proficiency

        -- In addition to being proficient in the English language, I also consider myself creative, I find it easy to write and create stories and poems. In both English and Portuguese, my native language

    - software development related: command line, version control: git/hg/svn/?, rpm/packaging, programming languages/frameworks/utilities, testing, infrastructure/sysadmin

        -- I am currently in university, taking a course in Game Development. I do not enjoy programming, however. I prefer to write stories, as stated above. I know the basics of git, having used Github for my university assignments. And recently, for creating my own fedora post-installation bash script (albeit extremely simple). I also am currently taking the CS50 Opencourseware to try and learn coding. Although I may not possess advanced programming skills or the desire to develop software, I recognize the advantages of acquiring coding proficiency.

    - your experience in communication platforms:

        - have you used mailing lists before?

            -- No, this is my first time using and knowing about mailing lists

        - what is your preferred real time chat platform?

            -- I have no preference for a communication platform

        - how much time are you looking to/are you able to spend on volunteering (approximate hours per week)?

            -- While I do not typically set rigid goals, I am willing to dedicate a minimum of 1 to 2 hours per week to volunteering. I don't have a limit to how many hours I am willing to contribute. While "as much as I can" is not a valid answer, I do look forward to contribute my time and effort into the project
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