On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Phil Meyer <pme...@themeyerfarm.com> wrote:
> Jim wrote:
>> FC8, KDE
>> What is changing the Network settings from eth0 to eth1 ?
>> Even if you go into /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and setup as
>> eth0, and reboot box,it will change settings to eth1.
>> And it is causing a unstable network.
>> This box only has one ethernet card in  it.
> Now days, when Fedora detects a different NIC from one it knew (right or
> wrong), it creates a new entry in: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
> This is why you get messages in dmesg and at bootup that eth0 is being
> 'moved' to eth1.
> It is reasonably safe to remove this file, plus
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth? and reboot.
> If you are just doing DHCP, then udev will recreate the file, put the
> correct NIC into it, and set up a generic ifcfg-eth0 script.
> Good luck!
Thanks for this post, it helped me a bit, but I still have nameserver problem.
Yesterday my [only]nic in a 32 bit fc8 box blew. When I replaced it,
it insisted to be eth1 and gave me eth0 errors when booting. I did an
ifconfig 192.168.... and had eth1 up and running.
No sweat, I thought. But although nfs clients were able to access
their nfs mounts, firefox can't lookup a dns entry. Also, since this
box is running squid, clients of squid can't access websites. The
/etc/resolv.conf is ok.
Also my firestarter firewall refused to start (obviously set up on eth0).
So, my goal this morning was to get it back to eth0 only, and not
worry about who-knows-what might have a problem with the subtle eth1
switch. I was happy to find your post, when goggling my gmail.
I deleted the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file and do
not have any ifcfg-eth* files.
The good news is that now it sees it as eth0. But I still have to do
the ifconfig manually at boot and more importantly firefox cant
resolve a dns, although /etc/resolve.conf is ok.

Your help is appreciated. Thanks, and

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