
I have been missing audio after installing F11 (from the XFCE spin) on my IBM 
Thinkpad T61. I looked around and even tried the following:


but this did nothing. alsamixer -c0 brought in a while lot of stuff and I 
dutifully changed everything from <MM> to 00 without understanding the 
implications, but to no avail. Any suggestions? I sort of miss the old 
system-config-sound and then clicking to see whether sound would work on the 
older Fedoras (before 10). 

This machine had previously been upgraded from F8->F9->F10 so I never felt the 
problems in F10. I chose to install this time because of the ext4 filesystem, 
etc and hence getting sound working is a different ball-game.

Thanks in advance for all the help!
Best wishes,


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