Am 10.05.23 um 09:41 schrieb Thilo Borgmann:
Am 10.05.23 um 03:36 schrieb Thomas Volkert:

Am 15.03.2023 um 20:30 schrieb Thilo Borgmann:

for our recent appearance at the Chemnitzer Linux Tage, I'd like to
request reimbursements for my travel cost.
I picked up Carl-Eugen in Berlin and we drove to Chemnitz together
(~560 km in total).
All hotel costs and further costs for merch and the webcam were
preliminarily covered by others.

So for me, it is just

61,40 EUR for Gas.


I would like to add my expenses to this list:

1. hotel:                                      318
2. merch: t-shirts, polo-shirts, sweatshirts   876,08
3. transport: gas                              79,41 + 79,94 + 39,80 + 69,97 = 
4. equipment: webcam 4K multi remote control   79,99
             => total: 1543,19 Euro

1. We booked the same hotel suite during the weekend (Thilo Borgmann, Carl Eugen 
Hoyos, Alexander Strasser & me) as we did in the past.

2. After the old merch. box was almost empty and no shirts were left, we 
ordered new ones. The amount was planned to be enough for the next couple of 
years. All remaining shirts are with Thilo since he plans to go to Linux Days 
2023 in Prague, Czech Republic, in October this year - I won't attend.

I should comment a bit more on this. We realized a low amount of left-over 
shirt from the first order (some years ago) and Thomas offered to get some new 
done in time for CLT '23.
I then told him to order some sane amount per size, not thinking much ahead 
about prices. The amount ordered corresponded roughly to our last order - I was 
a bit surprised that the Fan shirts, Zippers and a Polo shirt are 900 EUR on 
its own. So please blame me for not being predictive enough if you consider 
this too much money spent on shirts.

I gave away at least one shirt at CLT '23 and another one at NAB '23. Just 
counted our current stock:

Fan design T-Shirts:

  5  14  18   10    3

Dev design T-Shirts:

  0   1   1    0    0

The number of 50 merch shirts Thomas mentions are the new Fan shirt orders 
including 3 Dev Zippers, 2 Dev Shirts and 1 Dev Polo Shirt we used directly for 
ourselves at the CLT.

About the webcam - back in the days before Corona hit us, we utilized a little 
webcam built-in in one of Alexander's monitors.
This time we were promised to have a big Monitor to our disposal provided from 
the CLT orga team.
As our webcam demo is usually the crowd attractor, we saw a need for proper 
webcam. None of us had a proper one to take along so I also Thomas that we 
should buy one as well to sustain that demo regardless of Alexander's presence. 
For the 80 EUR it costs, it appears to be a pretty decent one for a fair price 
and it did its job well.

This is actually missing a pile of 10 XXL shirts I put not next to the others 
as I just realized...... need coffee.

3. I transported my equipment and the box with 50 merch. shirts.
4. After we discussed this step several years, this time we decided to finally 
buy a new one and use it for the demo setup. The camera is with Thilo - see 
point 2.


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