Am 18.11.2020 um 14:40 schrieb Moritz Barsnick:
On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 20:15:54 +0100, Michael Koch wrote:
Oh, what a pity. We need more filters with support for commands. Now
that I have found out how to send zmq commands from C# code, there are
so many nice things that could be done with FFmpeg in real time.
Especially when adjusting parameters that need visual feedback, for
example brightness, contrast, gamma, color corrections, colorkey
parameters, despill parameters and so on...
Paul has worked heavily over the last few months to add command support
to filters (and to properly document it). I guess it just isn't trivial
in many cases, as the filters sometimes have not been designed with
runtime reconfiguration in mind. (Any it may not be possible at all in
certain cases.)

Yes, I know that Paul has added command support to many filters and I really appreciate this work!
Paul, is it possible to add command support also for the despill filter?
I'm asking because I've written a C# tool for bluescreening in real time. The foreground video comes from a camera via HDMI to USB converter (these cheap chinese converters are great!). The background comes from a file and is played in an endless loop. I have attached a screenshot. The color bars are the built-in test image from the HDMI to USB converter. All parameters can be adjusted with the scrollbars in real time and are sent to the FFmpeg process as zmq messages. It's already running fine. The only problem is that the despill parameters can't be updated in real time. They become effective after stopping and re-starting FFmpeg (which takes about 2 seconds).

If you want to see how this was programmed, have a look at chapter 2.56 of my book:

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