Am 28.05.2022 um 21:17 schrieb Cecil Westerhof via ffmpeg-user:
Paul B Mahol <> writes:

On Sat, May 28, 2022 at 4:28 PM Cecil Westerhof via ffmpeg-user 
<> wrote:

  When I just want to have a certain part of a video, I can do something
      ffmpeg -y -i input.MTS     \
             -ss 00:08           \
             -to 00:17           \
             -acodec copy        \
             -vcodec libx264     \
             -preset veryfast    \

  But what if I want several parts of a video in my video?
  Do I need to cut the different parts out of the video and concatenate
  them, or is it possible to do it with one command?

Using concat filter.
That is exactly what I already know: cutting the different parts.
Probably one command for each part and then concatenate them.
So n + 1 commands.
My question was: can it be done with one command?

Please have a look at

"Concat demuxer", "Concat protocol" and "Concat filter" are three different things. You did use the concat demuxer. Now if you want to do all in one line, you must use the concat filter.


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