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University of Rochester, Department of History

Confederates Never Knew Any Black Confederate Soldiers
Kevin M. Levin*

The story neo-Confederates have been spreading in the weeks since the
Charleston shooting that hundreds of thousands of blacks served in the
Confederate army are fallacious.

Just Learned the Origins of Illegal Surveillance in the United States Go
Back to the 1930s
Steve Usdin*

An oral history just released shows that cryptologists working for the Army
knew they were breaking the law when they conducted secret electronic

Vital Fact that’s Been Lost in the Debate Over Those Planned Parenthood
Johanna Schoen*

Fetal tissue research, which began in the 19th century and led to
breakthroughs in Polio and other diseases, is not conducted on live human

Wrong Way to Think About Imperial Empires
Antoinette Burton*

Empire’s rise and fall is a very seductive story. It’s way too simple.

Part of Jimmy Carter’s Legacy Everyone Wants to Forget
Mitchell Lerner*

It’s his role in the sequence of events that led to North Korea’s
acquisition of the bomb.

You Have a Cherokee in Your Family Tree?
Gregory D. Smithers*

A lot of people claim they do. But do they?

Is How Wild Politics Used to Be
Greg Bailey*

A story from the time of Abe Lincoln that makes our current vim and vigor
look almost pale by comparison.

Gingrich Revolution and the Roots of Republican Dysfunction
Steven M. Gillon*

The person most responsible for injecting that virulent strain of
partisanship into the Republican party was another dethroned House Speaker
-- Newt Gingrich. But Gingrich was always more subtle than the bomb

Presidential Candidate Everybody Compares Bernie Sanders with
Wallace Hettle*

Here’s how it’s fair (and how it’s not).

of Alonzo L. Hamby’s “Man of Destiny: FDR and the Making of the American
Murray Polner *

FDR, a flawed and complex giant and still somewhat inscrutable to those who
write about him, remains a striking and extraordinary giant among all our
presidents, as Man of Destiny makes clear.

Glory Days of Tough Guy Writer Ernest Hemingway
Bruce Chadwick*

The Morgan Library and Museum's Hemingway gallery is divided into six
sections, each telling a part of his life. It is loaded with old documents
photos of him, his wives and his friends. The Library is also sponsoring a
film and lecture series to accompany the Hemingway exhibit.

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Top 10!*

This week's broad sampling of opinion pieces found on the Internet, as
selected by the editors of HNN.

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