I think that everyone here can see that this is another "Ooops!" I'm trying to sort 
out a new email address, since the last one crashed badly. "Mia Culpas" all around, 
and I'm sorry I helped clog your mail boxes. (and boy, my face is red--again!!)

Best regards--LRA

On Wed, 06 Jun 2001 10:27:32  
 Lynn Allen wrote:
>Hi, Art--
>This is a test, and actually has nothing to do with "CD RaW Deals." :-)
>You said my earlier msg was nearly unanswerable, because of the curious wrapping. In 
>my limited experience, Reply's generally follow the original formatting (e.g. if the 
>mode is set at Replace rather than Insert, I have to play games with the keyboard to 
>edit something I've typed).
>As yet, I haven't a clue as to how to correct the wrapping, but with my HP down I 
>have adequate time to "play" with it. With your help, I might be able to answer a few 
>minor questions.
>So see how this one replies. It *should* work identically to yours, but it *could* 
>refer back to Jim Snyder's formatting. Let's see how it plays.

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