Before we get into an argument that may be based in a) use of terms or b)
the nature of laws in different countries, I agree with you on the specs you
gave for copyrights.  As for trademarks, I am not confusing them with
copyrights; in the US they are two quite separate and distinct laws and
legal entities.  One does not copyright a trademark; one registers a
trademark under the trademark laws.  One uses two different notations for
copyright and trademark designations.  I am not questioning whether or not
trademarks are forever or not; I am questioning the notion that your
comments imply that trademarks are a form, type, or variation of copyright.
I do not think this is the case in the world outside of the US; and I am
sure it is not the case in the US.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of B.Rumary
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: open and control

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Laurie Solomon

> currently copyrights in the US are valid for the
> life of the originator even if assigned to someone else, I believe, and
> renewable for a limited length of time only once.
I think you may be confusing copyrights for an "artistic" works, such as a
book or piece of music, and those for trademarks etc. In most of the world
artistic copyright now extends to 70 years after the death of the author.
copyright can be sold or transferred to another person or a company, or
passed to the authors descendants but it still only extends to the 70 years
after the death of the original author or creator. Copyright on such things
as the Coca-Cola trademark goes on for ever, or at least for as long as it
still in use.

Brian Rumary, England

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