On Nov 1, 2014, at 5:04 PM, Kevin Horton <khorto...@rogers.com> wrote:

> I noted that “daemonic enable mysql” did not cause mysqld to start when my 
> system restarted, on Yosemite.  It looks like Apple no longer supports 
> StartupItems on Yosemite.  I was able to get mysqld to startup using launchd, 
> using a file in /Library/LaunchDaemons:
>  % cat /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mysql.mysql.plist 
> Is there any point to including the daemonic package in 10.10?

I will admit that I haven't looked into this much (still getting my 10.10 box 
up and running - and it's not my daily driver), but I assumed that part of the 
reason for daemonic was to abstract away some of the implementation details for 
the startup scripts. How hard would it be to have daemonic generate the launchd 
plists? Theoretically, this could be done for all of the supported OS X 
versions, not just 10.10.

Charles Lepple

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