"Clayton E. Cramer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tim Lambert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 9:36 AM
> Subject: Re: Gun Statistics Expert John Lott Victim of Identity Theft
> > Charles Curley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > On Sat, Aug 09, 2003 at 04:31:09AM +1000, Tim Lambert wrote:
> > > > While I was over at the Chronicle I came across a March 21 letter from
> > > > Lott responding to a February article in the Chronicle. Lott writes:
> > > >
> > > >     Given the space that the article devoted to my use of a pseudonym
> > > >     in Internet chat rooms, I should note that I stopped using my own
> > > >     name because discussions often turned personal and resulted in
> > > >     people calling me at my office with threatening or obnoxious
> > > >     remarks. In retrospect, either I should not have participated in
> > > >     chat rooms or I should have continued to do so under my own name.
> > > >
> > > > Unfortunately for Lott's story, Google has archives of the discussions
> > > > he was in and they never turned personal--everybody was polite to
> > > > Lott.

> Perhaps I missed too much context of this discussion.  Here's an
> example of a personal attack that Tim seems to have missed:

Your example is from 2003 and is not from a discussion that Lott was
involved in.  You should look for postings by John Lott and then look
at all the follow ups.


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