On 2020-05-27 08:37, Köditz wrote:
Hi Mark,

well, I misunderstood the document's structure. I just looked for the
switch 'asciidocHtml' which already creates some kind of 'chunked'
document. In the docbuilding howto you can only see 'docbookHtml'. But
now I know how to work with it.

The docbuilding howto also documents asciidocHtml: https://firebirdsql.org/file/documentation/html/en/firebirddocs/docbuildhowto/firebird-docbuilding-howto.html#docbuildhowto-building-output-docs

However, that doesn't produce chunked output.

Since I already have CMS access I should be able to publish the docs
by myself. Otherwise I will call for help.

Ok, that is fine.

However, there is more necessary than just publishing the new docs: I also need to coordinate with Sergey to add redirects from the old documents to the new documents (if only so bookmarks and published links elsewhere will continue to work and point to the new docs).

So if you publish new documents, let me know which, so I can set this up.


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