Mark, Martin,

thanks, will try.


On 08.07.2020 16:15, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
On 08-07-2020 14:33, Alexey Kovyazin wrote:
I would like to amend documentation of gfix and nbackup to add some recovery commands, 1-2 examples, extend description of process, etc. What is the general process - download sources in asciidoc from git, change it, apply changes in git, then generate html, upload to the site?

Yes, or if you want a second pair of eyes to review your work, (optionally) fork the firebird-docs project to your account, checkout a branch from master, make your change in that branch. Commit and push to GitHub, create a pull request and ask someone to review it.

If you don't have sufficient rights to upload, you can ask here for someone else to do it for you.


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