
 >The problem is with write operations. They take to much time and this 
is OLTP database so write should be very fast.

Can you please be more specific in defining the problem?
How many records you are inserting  or updating per second, how many 
users do inserts/updates, how transactions are organized?

I suspect that SSD is an attempt to hide real problem behind hardware 

Alexey Kovyazin

> hi guys,
> I'm having this setup here:
> linux 64 bit server with RAID 5 for database storage. My database is 
> stored on raw device.
> Right now I'm using FW=ON for this setup.
> any ideas how to optimize performance for this configuration?
> The problem is with write operations. They take to much time and this 
> is OLTP database so write should be very fast.
> I'm considering the option to migrate this RAID back to HDD in order 
> to speed up write operations.
> I'm also considering the option of FW=OFF with MaxUnflushedWrites set 
> to some low value like 100 and MaxUnflushedWriteTime set to 4-5 seconds.
> Any other ideas?
> Also what will be the effect if I use the above mentioned settings on 
> the page writes that contain completed transactions?
> Thanks in advance

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