Conditions were rather spotty on 6m down in the Southwest, but enough openings to keep it interesting. The F3K performed magnificently! Even though I was using the compressor, I had several unsolicited comments on the good quality of the audio, and it seemed to punch through the pileups just fine. The receiver worked great; strong enough to handle the number of BIG signals from the Metro Phoenix area, but no apparent issue with lack of sensitivity. I could pick the DX out as well as anybody.
This was running barefoot; no amp or preamp, just the 6M7JHV at 60ft.

The one gripe I have is the lack of an ability to lock the panadaptor. Operating this radio is a very visual process, and I would lose the pattern of activity when changing the main rx frequency. I realize I can leave that alone and hunt with the sub-rx, but really it would be desirable to have both freely available. I know this has been talked about before, but I can't remember where to go to add my support to the enhancement list.

Overall, a very positive experience.

73  Alf  NU8I
Scottsdale  AZ  DM43an

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