Mark Lunday, WD4ELG wrote:
F3K, SDR 1.18.5

When I turn on the ARR, the noise floor jumps UP from -140 to -110, not what
I expected.

Actually, that is what I would expect, although 30dB sounds a bit much. The F3K sees an increase in noise from turning on the pre-amp. Take a conventional radio, for example. Turn on the pre-amp and you should hear the noise level should increase; otherwise the advantages of the outboard amp are being lost.

By using the internal pre-amps in the Flex, PSDR knows about them and compensates accordingly for the displayed values. It is calibrated for signal into the rig, and is actually very accurate. Almost a lab-grade selective voltmeter. However, it has no knowledge about the outboard amplifier so treats it just as something coming in to the antenna terminal.

Now, if you were listening to a weak signal, say a beacon, you should see that the desired signal is also enhanced when turning on the pre-amp. It should not be the case that it get gets swamped by the pre-amp noise level. If the S/N reduces then the pre-amp may be bad.

Having said that, I measured my F3K to be in the order of 7dB noise figure, which is completely dominated by external noise in my urban location. I get about a 10dB increase in noise floor switching from a good dummy load to my antenna. Having a pre-amp in place would only make inter-mod a worse problem. Maybe you live out in the sticks where things are quieter, so YMMV.

To summarize: I doubt you have a problem with either the F3K or your pre-amp. You should do some on-air tests with weak signal sources to verify this.

Good luck, and I hope to catch you on the Magic band. We have several good openings to your area each summer E season.

73  Alf  NU8I
Scottsdale  AZ  DM43an
160m > 24Gigs

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