Clay W7CE wrote:
I just received my Flex-1500 today. I ordered the adapter for a Heil Traveler Headset and received an ADM-817 Heil adapter with the shipment. I suspect that this is not the correct adapter because there is no headphone plug and the the 1500 RJ-45 connector doesn't have the headphone sound brought out to it. Is anyone else using a Traveler headset, and if so what adapter are you using. Currently it's a little awkward because I'm wearing a set of headphones and trying to talk into the Traveler headset mic.

On the positive side, so far the radio seems to work well. 6M is wide open right now and I've been working some double-hop to Florida. I have a 100W brick, but for fun just worked one FL station running 5W.
Hello Clay,

I don't know the part number for the adaptor, but the Heil Traveler 2 that I use with my FT817 works just fine with my F1500. I had to turn the mic gain down a bit as it was quite a bit louder than my MH-31. It has a floating headphone jack that plugs into the 'phones' socket and sounds good. Just like with the FT817. PTT works the same.

Six was incredible today. Worked several stations in New England using the 1500 barefoot, but switched over to the F3K to get the C6 and KP4. Three new grids today, 2 with the 1500. Life is good!

Glad to work you the other day; look forward to another opportunity this E-season.

73  Alf  NU8I
Scottsdale  AZ  DM43an

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