On 11/26/2011 8:36 AM, Michael Tondee wrote:
Sure, you can get some really good deals on nice PC's for 400 bucks, I won't argue that. My contention is that even now, that same 400 bucks will net you a MORE powerful PC than the one in the store by putting it together yourself.
You may well be correct.
However, creeping enhancements can be the killer. Looking around my house I have several completely original PCs. Except for the PSU that died. And the motherboard. And the CPU, because I thought that a bit faster would be better, and memory that had to be replaced because the sockets were different. I really felt I needed a TB HD, even though the originals were less than 10% full. So, the only things that are really original are the cases. If I counted it up I probably have a bit more than $400 in each one. I have an account at NewEgg, so I could check.

The box that runs my F3K, which I built several years ago, has had a new HD and PSU, but is otherwise intact. The box I am typing on now, which also runs my SDR1K is in the category as described above. Even the fans have been changed out.

The biggest one I built was for my youngest, who was seriously into gaming. The video cards alone were well over $400.

The thing I will no longer mess with are laptops. Changing a broken power connector on an old Dell had me pulling my hair out. One of my boys cajoled me into fixing an optical drive in his MacBook. Even by taking photos at each stage of the deconstruction, it still took me a weekend to do it all, and I still had a couple of screws left over. I have a fairly new Toshiba laptop to run my F1500, and I hope it keeps working.

73  Alf  NU8I
Scottsdale  AZ  DM43an

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