On 12/20/2011 9:56 AM, Neal Campbell wrote:

There is nothing controversial in your note. The only controversial thing
is your belief that a 200 watt power supply is enough for these
configurations (and my guess is that even the ones marked 200 watts are
using "congressional budget office" calculations to get that).

Slightly off tangent, but reliability is an issue.
Being a typical ham pack-rat, I keep all the old stuff with the expectation that I will eventually find a use for a component or two.
I just checked my  collection, and have over 20 dead power supplies.
That compares to 6 dead hard drives and 2 dead motherboards (both eMachines). The only optical drive issue was with my son's Mac laptop. I have never had a CPU or memory failure. I did have one issue with the video card in another of my son's gaming machine, but that looked like to have failed due to an accumulation of dog-hair in it's cooling fan.

So after over a decade of building these machines I have concluded that the PSU is the weak link, and now spend the extra $$ to get a high end unit.

73  Alf  NU8I
Scottsdale  AZ  DM43an

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